Belman is industry leaders within Flexible Solutions priding ourselves on providing clients within many different industries worldwide with the widest range. By incoperating our +25 years knowlegde on Expansion Joints and piping systems Belman expertly assist clients on finding the most practical method of accomodating their pipeline movements. Belman assist clients on both trouble shooting on existing solution and design as well as suggesting and designing completely new Flexible Solutions.
What we do, no one else does in same scope, as Belman ensures the client gets:
- The right Flexible Solution
- At the right time
- In the right quality and design
- At the right cost
- Long term solution
- Better total cost of ownership (TCO)
- Client satisfaction
The Flexible Solutions are developed in accordance with the submitted specifications and in close interaction with our clients, producing results which offer the optimal balance between performance and cost. We pride ourselves on the fast response to customer requests, and always suggesting and providing cost-efficient and operationally sound solutions.
The experienced and skilled engineering team at Belman assists our clients on getting the RIGHT flexible solutions and thereby increasing total cost of ownership (TCO) as wells as eliminating operation challenges.
Ensures the client:
- The correct Flexible Solution
- Reduced total costs of ownership (TCO)
- Optimised cost-efficient flexible solution
- Safe and reliable operation
Help eliminating:
- Design failures on the Flexible Solution chosen
- Unplaneed downtime due to wrong solution
- Leakages and unwanted spills due to wrong placement and design of Flexible Solution
- Reduced time and frustrations
By introducing Belman’s support early in a project phase, the client can realize project cost savings by finding the right solution quickly. We are committed in all projects and our global mindset and experience will enable us to deliver world-class Flexible Solutions that enables clients to achieve the best and most economically attractive flexible solution to their piping systems. Having the right solution from the very start reduces design costs, operation costs as well as time.
At Belman we combine world-class expertise in Expansion Joints with pipeline knowledge and provide technically and economically attractive Flexible solutions to our clients. With this unique combination of experience and expertise we exceed client expectations. Every solution, every project, every contact with Belman add value to the cooperation and the project of the client. Working integrated as part of an engineering team, Belman can support project teams by helping them to develop complete pipework layouts and models as well as suggest the right solution and product type and design at a fraction of the time and costs incorporating our unique understanding in Flexible solution function and design.
To meet the expectations of high safety, engineering must be supported by reliable and verified calculations. We calculate therefore according to the latest design codes, recognised by international classification societies. With use of proprietary software tools the team of Belman complete all kind of flexible solution projects. Belman is dedicated to engineering the best piping design including Flexible Solution for the client. These tools and this expertise can be made available to our clients to assist both during studies, detailed engineering and verification/evaluation phases to quickly and efficiently find the most practical method of accommodating pipework movements in your piping design.
Eliminated coal dust emissions
between mills and burners
Clients that have benefitted from the Belman Fast Track Service to their full satisfaction:
Belman in worked closely with the EPC contractor to consider all of the operating and design parameters to develop a new state of the art Flexible Solution engineered specifically for this application. This was the first very time a company engineered a product for this application on this plant.